
To relax your mind after exercises, here is the famous Mahjjong adapted to the Morse code !

The 144 tiles of the game represent the 26 letters and the 10 figures of the alphabet with their associated Morse code. Each character is then 4 times represented. The goal of the game is to clear all the tiles in constituing pairs of identical free tiles. A tile is said "free" when it can be moved on its right or on its left, i.e. when there is no other tile on its right or on its left.
To help viewing the free tiles, CW_PLAYER displays the mouse cursor as a  green arrow when the mouse points over a free tile.
When a tile is clicked to built a pair, CW_PLAYER plays the Morsecode associated to this tile.

CW_PLAYER alerts you when no more pair of tiles can be constituted. The game is then lost.

The game is a success when the 144 tiles have been cleared.

Each game has at least one solution. You can view this solution by clicking the menu "Solve this game'". You may stop the progress of that display by clicking again the same menu or by depressing the Escape key of your keyboard.

If your eyes are a bit dimmed and you cannot see any more pair of tiles to clear, CW_PLAYER will help you with the menu "Suggestion". Note that the given suggestion is not compulsorily a clearing that will lead you to the success ! It is just to help you to continue the game and you are not obliged to use it.

The game is part of CW_PLAYER under the menu Entertainment.

Please download from the CW_PLAYER page here

Enjoy yourselves !

Gabriel F6DQM